Carry On | A Book Review and more


I've been thinking about writing about this blog for quite some time. But after this week's revelation (I'll talk about it later) I thought "'s now or never". I got this book last year for my birthday and I committed a small sin: I read this before reading Fangirl. But let me tell you: it was worth it. Like really worth it!

So in case you don't know, Carry On is written by Rainbow Rowell (from Fangirl, Elanor & Park, Landline and she is also currently working on a comic book series with Marvel as well I believe!) and is a follow up book to Fangirl. In Fangirl we are introduced to the world of Simon Snow and Baz, where they appear as altered version of the Harry Potter series (I'll get back to that). After the success of her previous book, Rowell apparently couldn't let go of Simon Snow and ended up writing this marvellous book. (In case you are wondering how we know it, it is stated at the end of the book. At least in my version)  

The summary, via goodreads is as it follows
Simon Snow just wants to relax and savour his last year at the Watford School of Magicks, but no one will let him. His girlfriend broke up with him, his best friend is a pest and his mentor keeps trying to hide him away in the mountains where maybe he'll be safe. Simon can't even enjoy the fact that his room-mate and longtime nemesis is missing, because he can't stop worrying about the evil git. Plus there are ghosts. And vampires. And actual evil things trying to shut Simon down. When you're the most powerful magician the world has ever known, you never get to relax and savour anything.

Carry On is a ghost story, a love story, a mystery and a melodrama. It has just as much kissing and talking as you'd expect from a Rainbow Rowell story - but far, far more monsters.

Okay, before I start my breakdown on the book I have to say: I wasn't expecting to love this as much as I did. Seriously, it was one of the best books I've read this year (probably only surpassed by Sarah J. Maas's A Court of Thorns and Roses series) without much thought. And I am so HAPPY that Rowell will be launching another volume about Simon Snow at the end of this year. (It's meant to be launched in birthday month!! I guess we all know what that means...)

The world building

One of the things I really expected was to see this world as wild version of the Harry Potter series. To my delight, it is not. The world of Mages has his own rules, pace and scenario. They work with technology and they do depend on people without magic to keep their magic well - that was really interesting in my opinion.  I could see how Rowell wanted to created another fantastic world instead of just mirroring one that was already existing.

The character development

Simon needs love. I can't explain how I felt every time he or someone else would mention how his Summer was and thin he would appear at school - I wanted to punch the Mage at least 50 times because of that. Simon didn't had the same support system Harry had (no Weasley's here...). I felt like he was pushed into doing things he never wanted to - hi Penelope, looking at you. 
Speaking of Penelope...I still don't know how I feel about her. She came across really pushy way to many times. There was a particular scene were she got angry because Simon did not tell her someone she did not need to know, since it wasn't really related to her but to Baz, ans I hated her reaction. I don't fully dislike her but....I don't like her either. 
Baz was the revelation to be honest. Once his POV started to appear I wouldn't stop reading the book. From the end of chapter 32 I had to read the rest of the book due to my excitement. 

Overall, I gave this book a 5 starts rating at goodreads and I can't wait to get the second volume with me (which I'll have to get as a hardcover, otherwise my OCD is going nuts...oops). It was a really fun reading and colides both contemporary YA with a bit of Fantasy YA. 

What have you been reading lately? 


  1. Looks interesting!


  2. Thank you for the review, it looks really interesting and the art on the cover is certainly great

  3. Thank you for your review, it sounds interesting :)


  4. Thank you for the review!
    It sounds so good !

    Selly Chia


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