My Lip Helpers! | Review


I think I should start this post with a bit of introduction, since is my first post on this blog.
I already own another beauty blog called Style from Wonderland which is written in Portuguese. For some reason I felt the need to have my "international space", specially when most of the blogger's and youtuber's that I follow are international (some South Korean, Americans, Kimdao which is Australian, NikkieTuturials which is from the Netherlands and many, really many from the United Kingdom and I follow two really awesome bloggers from Luxembourg!) and my beauty ideas and opinion are heavy related to that. So yeah...I have two blogs now! I'll try to keep up with both of them. Maybe I can write a better post about myself later :3 

So, today I decided to talk about two of my favourite lip products. I seriously can't live without them. 
A bit of background : I have really dry lips during winter time and I get infections/irritation/allergies really easily - which mean totally inflamed lips and super dry skin on my mouth. It's terrible and makes my system totally out of myself, because I can't talk or eat properly. I used to have more Vaseline base lip balms, which aren't the best choice. They don't moisturise at all, they pretty much just cover the lips and that's it...they wouldn't fix my allergies or made me frustrated. 

So, because I'm a huge fan of The Body Shop products, I decided that it would be nice to test their lip balms and I informed myself about which ones would be the best or not. Besides that, I decided that it would be nice to pare it with a nice lip scrub. It meant another trip, but to Lush (so sad that we have only a few rare stores...a real shame!). So I got Sea Butter lip balm from The Body Shop and Bubblegum lip scrub from Lush.

The sea butter lip balm is amazing. At first I didn't like it, because I wasn't used to lip balm's without Vaseline. I didn't understand that it would took a bit until I could see the effects. Luckily, I usually try to use my products continuously 2 to 3 weeks (or even more) before I get to formulate an opinion. After a full week, I started to see the results coming. I lips where looking a lot healthier than what they were and even my lipsticks would apply easily and properly than when I used my old lip balms. They would last even more. The consistency is thick during the cold weather (I got this around May or June I believe, when we got a really cold weather) where we need to warm up a bit the product before we put it on the lips, but during the more warm weather is amazing. There are way many flavours to choose from. I'm thinking about getting a chocolate one and a strawberry one in the future.

The bubblegum lip scrub is another hit for me. I wanted a scrub because of the dry skin.
This (along with the lip balm) worked it. Every day I would scrub my lips after doing my night skin care routine and brushing my teeth. After that week, I saw my lips improving and improving.
I know that for a lot of people, this wouldn't be a really important product because you can actually make you own lip scrub with honey and sugar. Sadly, I have a really bad relation with honey and, I never know when those scrubs expire. For this one, I know that I won't have to bother before 2014's February. Besides, there are more flavours, like popcorn!

The Sea Butter Lip Scrub came with 8.5 gr. (around 0.3OZ) costing me around 5 to 6 euros.
The Bubblegum lip came with 25 gr ( I would say around 0.9 OZ? ) and it cost me around 7.5 euros.

The prices for both products may vary from country to country.
I hope that you enjoyed this post.
Please tell me what you lip helpers are or any new suggestions!
Please take care.

With love, 

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