The CC take


After the BB's, now it's time for the CC's
Bourjois CC Cream

Surprise, the lightest shade is available at my local supermarket - yet, it's still a bit dark for me. Usually, Asian CC creams came in a White Universal shade that it's meant to suit everyone. for those who don't know, CC stands for Colour Control - it's meant to control the colour of your face and even out your skin tone. It's not meant to cover blemishes or anything. This was meant to be a more light-weight product for those that don't have blemishes of scars but have problems with toning the face.
The consistency of this product is very liquidly, like a tube version of the Bourjois Healthy Mix Serum. It provides a very natural look to your face but on very, very hot days (like 40ยบ Celsius days) I won't be recommending this over the Benefit Big Easy for example because this one will need tones of powder. But it's lovely for the winter and spring time - although I won't be able to wear it in that time because of the shade. Not only because it would be too dark because this has a very rosy-undertone. Girl's with a more yellow undertone will look strange. I can make it during the Summer with bronzer and everything, but during the winter...not that much.Although this manages to later one with oxidation look good during the Summer timer. But I really think that the same won't happen during the Winter.
I wish they could do another shade, more lighter and yellow. If they did that I would be able to wear this more often.
Oh and people that don't like scent on their foundations be careful - this has tones and tones of scent (perfume is one of the ingredients).
And, although they call this a CC cream, this is more of a light-to-medium coverage foundation or some-kind-of-bb cream than an actual CC cream.
I'll be using this on a daily-basics during the Summer time but, I probably will skip repurchasing this.

Bourjois CC Eye Cream
Or should they say - concealer. I have mixed feeling about this product.
I love the colour and texture because it brightens my under eye area and contour acts the darkness that I usually have. But...the packaging is so annoying. Even more than the one from the Maybelline LumiTouch - first you can't control how much product it leaves and second, you always have tone of old product layering on top of the applicator. Personally, I dome-foot applicators are the best.
The main issue is the contamination. Because there's always old product there bacteria end up have a nice playground which can later end up in complications and eye infections.
I definitely won't be repurchasing this. While the CC cream has problems with the colour match, this one has more extended problems that can actual health problems. I've heard of products like the Lioele Under Eye Brighter or the Marc Jacobs Remedy concealer pen which have a similar applicator but in metal instead of plastic and doesn't have the problem of having tones of product floating around.

Have you tried one of these? What do you prefer, Western or Asian CC creams? and as a Bonus here's a photo of me wearing this. Not the prettiest and I'm wearing my glasses but, extra points for trying? it's really hard for me to take photos since my came doesn't show my expression and angle so I tend to have 20 or 30 photos of me in the strangest angles and with luck only 1 decent photo. But I promise that I'll try to make more post with my not-so-pretty face.


Take care everyone, have a nice day!

With Love,

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